Una riflessione sull’anticapitalismo – di Barbara X (italian/english)

Riportiamo di seguito l’appello diffuso recentemente da Barbara X e rivolto ai/alle compagn*, un monito affinché l’anticapitalismo possa finalmente rappresentare quel bacino di intersezione delle lotte di liberazione, il cui raggiungimento non può prescindere dalle istanze antispeciste.
Appello già ripreso e sottoscritto da Brescia Antispecista, che a nostra volta firmiamo invitando chi si ritrova nelle parole che riportiamo di seguito a comunicarci la medesima volontà.

Quando si partecipa a un corteo antifascista, a un presidio per rivendicare diritti per tutti e tutte, si è consapevoli di schierarsi contro un sistema di dominio che ha una forza nettamente superiore rispetto a chi si ribella. È la forza del capitalismo, del potere, che ha dalla sua parte la maggioranza dei consensi e ogni tipo di difesa. Eppure si scende in piazza lo stesso, si scende in piazza per dire “No”, si scende in piazza perché si ha una fiducia incrollabile nelle proprie idee. E si boicotta, si condanna, si contesta, anche se ciò sovente non porta frutti nell’immediato.
Ci si batte contro il fascismo, contro il sessismo, contro il razzismo, contro l’omotransfobia, contro il capitalismo e via dicendo; ma purtroppo si fa una gran fatica ad aggiungere a queste battaglie la lotta contro lo specismo, cioè lo sfruttamento di chi appartiene a specie diverse dall’umana. È talmente radicata nelle nostre società l’idea che gli animali di specie diverse dalla nostra valgano meno di niente, che anche la maggioranza degli antagonisti decide di disinteressarsene, di non dire in questo caso il proprio “No” al sistema di dominio. Nessuno della “setta dei vegani” (secondo una definizione delle destre capitaliste che vogliono salvaguardare i propri interessi e tutte le industrie – allevamenti, armi, ecc. – che vivono sfruttando e distruggendo) vuole “convertire” nessuno nel suo privato: semplicemente sono sempre di più i compagni e le compagne che si chiedono come mai, almeno per quanto riguarda iniziative pubbliche e di autofinanziamento, vengano ancora usati i corpi senza vita delle vittime del sistema di dominio, di quel sistema di dominio che si vorrebbe strenuamente combattere. Reputare inferiori altri viventi è contrario ad ogni considerazione etica, politica, scientifica. A nessuno viene chiesto di diventare vegano/a da un giorno all’altro, ma almeno di riflettere su tale questione, poiché ci sembra doveroso e sempre più urgente. Non è ammissibile rimanere indietro su questo versante della lotta politica: se non si riesce (o non si vuole) abbozzare una riflessione sull’antispecismo, e cercare quindi di agire di conseguenza quando se ne presentino le occasioni, si va inevitabilmente ad intaccare, ad indebolire anche le altre battaglie. Gabbie e catene non ci dovrebbero essere per nessuno, e invece, con tutto il loro orrore, saltano fuori quando si tratta di sfruttare gli ultimi fra gli ultimi, cioè gli animali non umani, che fatti a pezzi nel “carnaio popolare” vanno a soddisfare i capricci del palato; spesso ci si giustifica con la parola “tradizione”, ma essa non è che il frutto mostruoso del più bieco conservatorismo: e questo purtroppo – politicamente parlando – è tragicamente trasversale.
Soprattutto in un’epoca come la nostra, non si può essere anticapitalisti a corrente alternata: con modalità di volta in volta differenti, organizzare pranzi a base di carne e derivati animali significa, più o meno indirettamente, sostenere un sistema di dominio che sta devastando anche le vite dei più poveri e indifesi fra gli esseri umani, nonché il pianeta stesso che ci ospita.
Inquinamento, abuso delle risorse, squilibri sociali, miseria e quant’altro: tutto ciò è ormai di pubblico dominio, come si fa a non considerare questi aspetti?
I controsensi sono all’ordine del giorno, ma è tutt’altro che difficile essere coerenti per davvero con le proprie lotte, con le proprie idee. In genere, sembra siano ben chiare le riflessioni sul rispetto delle differenze; eppure, tutte le porte vengono chiuse quando si parla dell’animale come un altro da rispettare. Che l’essere umano sia il padrone del pianeta e sia sempre superiore a qualunque altra forma di vita, be’, questa è un’idea che rimanda a tristissimi e bui momenti della storia umana, a partire anche da concetti espressi nei libri sacri… Per cui oggi continuare a combattere una pulsione criminale come il fascismo adottando con gli animali gli stessi metodi che fascisti e nazisti hanno usato contro i loro oppositori e contro le minoranze, è quanto mai illogico e sempre più penoso.
Non si può continuare a perpetuare l’ideologia del più forte che schiaccia il più debole: e l’animale di una specie diversa dalla nostra non fa eccezione. A fascisti e compagnia cantando è inutile fare certi discorsi, li si combatte e basta: odio e sopraffazione fanno parte del loro corredo pseudopolitico, quello degli oppressori. Ma compagni e compagne hanno l’obbligo politico di capire che si può e si deve (almeno in occasioni pubbliche, per il momento) rinunciare ad un’orrida abitudine consolidata. Conoscendo la sofferenza e lo sfruttamento che stanno dietro gli allevamenti (sia intensivi che biologici: cambia poco), la morte cruenta di esseri che, scientificamente ed eticamente, è dura definire inferiori, sapendo che gli allevamenti sono fra le principali fonti di inquinamento a livello mondiale, come si può sperare di ottenere vittorie significative nelle battaglie contro le nocività, contro l’inquinamento, contro le disuguaglianze sociali, continuando a sostenere tutto questo con le scelte alimentari?
Nessuno vuol fare la morale a nessuno, ma da antifascisti/e, antispecisti/e, anticapitalisti/e crediamo che si debbano metter da parte retaggi, tradizioni, abitudini e cominciare a vedere sotto un’ottica differente determinate tematiche: ne va della nostra credibilità, del futuro nostro e delle nostre lotte.

Brescia Antispecista
Contagio Antispecista
Collettivo antispecista ed antifascista torinese

English version

A reflection on anticapitalism

“When we take part in an antifascist demonstration, in a sit in to claim the rights for everyone, we are aware of the fact that we protest against a system of domination which is much stronger than the ones who resist. It is the strength of capitalism, of power that has on its side the majority of the consents and every kind of defence. Yet we demonstrate anyway, we demonstrate to say “No”, we demonstrate because we have an unshakable trust in our ideas. And we boycott, we condemn, we protest, even if this often doesn’t bear fruit in the near future. We fight against fascism, against sexism, against racism, against homo/transphobia, against capitalism and so on; but unfortunately it is so hard to add to these struggles the fight against speciesism, that is the exploitation of the ones who belong to species other than human. In our societies the idea that animals of species other than our one have no value is so rooted, that also the majority of the antagonists decides to take no interest in them, it decides in this case not to tell its “No” to the system of domination. None of the “sect of the vegans” (according to a definition of the capitalist right that wants to safeguard its interests and all the industries – farms, arms, etc.- which live exploiting and destroying) wants to “convert” nobody in his/her private sphere: simply there are more and more comrades who ask themselves why, at least as regards public initiatives and selffinancing events, the bodies of the victims of the system of domination are still being used, of that the system of domination which we would like to fight strongly. Considering other living beings as inferior is contrary to every ethical, political and scientific consideration. No one is asked to become vegan overnight, but at least to give this issue some thought, because we think it is essential and increasingly urgent. It is unacceptable to lag behind in regard of this side of the political fight: if you cannot (or you don’t want to) define a reflection on antispeciesism, and so try to act consequently when the opportunities arose, this also inevitably undermines and weakens the other fights. Cages and chains shouldn’t exist for anyone, and instead, with all their horror, they come up when it comes to exploit the lasts among the lasts, namely the non-human animals, who cut into pieces in the “popular slaughter” they satisfy the caprices of the palate: often this is justified with the word “tradition”, but it is nothing but the monstrous result of the most sinister conservatism: and unfortunately this – politically speaking – is tragically across-the-board. Above all at times like these, you can’t be alternate-current anti-capitalist: in ways that differ in each occasion, organizing lunches made up of meat and animal products means, more or less indirectly, supporting a system of domination which is devastating also the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable among the human beings, as well as the planet itself in which we live. Pollution, abuse of resources, social imbalances, poverty and so on: all this by now is public knowledge: how can you not to consider these aspects? The contradictions are common, but being really consistent with our own fights, with our own ideas is anything but difficult. In general, it seems the thoughts on the respect for differences are well clear; but, all the doors are closed when we talk about the animal as another being to respect. That the human being is the owner of the planet and he is always superior than any other form of life, well, this is an idea that recalls painful and dark times of human history, based also on concepts expressed in the sacred books… So today continuing to fight a criminal impulse like fascism adopting with animals the same ways that fascists and Nazis used against their opponents and against minorities, is extremely illogical ever more painful. We cannot continue to perpetuate the ideology of the strongest that oppresses the weakest: and the animal of a different species is no exception. Making this kind of speeches to fascists and their company is useless, we just have to fight them: hate and oppression form part of their pseudo-political legacy, that of the oppressors. But comrades have the political duty to understand that we can and we have to (at least on public occasions, for the moment) give up an awful strong habit. Being aware of the suffering and the exploitation that lie behind farms (both intensive and organic: it changes little), the bloody death of beings who, scientifically and ethically, it is hard to define inferior, being aware that farm are among the main sources of pollution worldwide, how can we expect to obtain substantial victories in the struggles against nuisances, against pollution, against social inequalities, if we continue to support all this with our food choices? No one wants to lecture nobody, but as antifascists, antispeciesists, anti-capitalists we believe that we have to put aside legacies, traditions, habits and start looking some kind of issues from a different angle: our credibility, our future and the future of our fights depend on it.”

Barbara X

The commodification of the ideals of liberation (Milan – 16/9)

Report of the conference of Contagio Antispecista at the festival Festa Antispecista (Milan – Italy)

The text that follows is the content (completed with some pictures) of the speech given by Contagio Antispecista on the 16th of September in the context of the debate Michela Vittoria Brambilla and the commodification of veganism, which took place during the gathering Festa Antispecista at the independent center for art, culture and research Macao, in Milan.
Maybe you have heard of the cease-and-desist letter, that reached the organization of the festival and the speakers of the debate, from the lawyer of the Member of Italian Parliament Brambilla, a measure which speaks for itself proving the intimidating and censoring tendency that is in every atom of our life.
We leave you with the contents of a meeting which has registered a great participation of the public.

Contagio Antispecista is not meant to be a group or a collective, it’s a platform to share and analyze information with the purpose to clarify what antispeciesism should be during a moment in history in which it is deprived of its original aspirations because and due to the fault (a direct and conscious fault) of, as it was mentioned by the previous speakers, politically indifferent derivations, infiltrations by fascists, and of the mass action of the commodification carried out by capitalism and its supporters.
This is also the reason why we are two and we introduce ourselves as spokespeople instead of speakers.
This entity doesn’t have to be identified with the individual, but with a collective work which could lead the ones who support and carry out radical antispeciesism to a wider perspective of a convergence of shared struggles.
One of the many reasons which contributed to the birth of this entity was the definition (that each one of us has) of antispeciesism.
When we talk about politically indifferent derivations (before even talking about infiltrations by fascists) there isn’t a hasty or summary judgment, but a deep critique on the perspective itself of the etymology of the words.
As we all know the term “qualunquista” (translated “politically indifferent”) has always had a negative meaning, it’s not up to us, in this context, giving this kind of labels, but the connotation of antispeciesism has taken on different meanings and especially various path to approach it.
Contagio arises exactly from this fact and particularly from the question, not from a question, but from the question: how could it have happened that a term which is so basic and simple in its understanding has undergo a constant disintegration?
We realized that the possibility of the term (intended as a concrete fight) to be attacked arose from an apparently innocent dysfunction (apparently innocent, so we prefer calling it “division”) which took place in the 80’s that is the difference between ABOLITIONISM and LIBERATIONISM.
As any liberation struggle of the past that has raised up crowds and contradictions at the beginning, also in the antispeciesist fight there was a moment when unconsciously we opened the doors to a direct and indirect collaboration with the same tools that caused oppression.
Nowadays even in radical antispeciesism it’s hard to understand this initial anomaly.
The antispeciesist fight, in order to be credible, should necessarily be unattackable and therefore lasting, and it should have a unique and clear meaning for everyone, that’s why we talk about liberationist antispeciesism and therefore about total liberation, up to arrive at one only proposition: animal liberation which encloses within itself non-human and human animals, and the context in which they live, the Earth.

All the aspects that led to a deviation of antispeciesism, for yesterday as for today, originated from that initial alteration: ABOLITIONISM antispeciesism (with all its aberrant consequences, a weak and reductionist approach to antispeciesism).

The pioneers of the ABOLITIONIST orientation were international associations like WWF and PETA, but in the last years the ABOLITIONIST orientation has found promoters and advocates in that kind of approaches similar to Leonardo Caffo’s one, and from a part of animal-rights associations like: Essere Animali, Animal Equality and Sea Shepherd which, in addition to selling off veganism as a “challenge”(through initiatives as “12 steps to veganism” or “the vegan week”) and supporting the homogenization of veganism by the industry in the wake of “for animals anything goes”, “animals are not interested in politics” and least but not last “we are their voice” and “oceans first of all”, they set up collaborations with personalities (both those involved in politics and not) who are tied to and linked to institutions, and bodies of power, in fact delegitimizing the radical, clean, pure and libertarian aspect of the antispeciesist fight, of Barry Horne memory.
These manners cause inconsistency and contradictions (which, from a libertarian perspective, are irreconcilable at this point), making the animal liberation fight “attackable” from outside, by those who sensed a mere business in the wake of a standardization in which veganism is not a political act anymore, but just the fashion of the moment or a stale farce.

Here a short parenthesis: when we talk about a political act we mean the genesis of the term political that pushed by a redemption of fight goes beyond and grows totally apart from what today is identified as political, that is party.
Opening up hence, as we all noted in the last years, to a massive presence of both politicians and parties searching for approval and easy electoral springboards (through the exploitation of the fight), and also to the increasing foundation and spread of animal-rights groups of clear xenophobic, intolerant and reactionary origin, which allowed the consolidation of fascist entities, and so a total and massive flattening of the fight: Fronte Animalista, Iene Vegane, Foresta Che Avanza, are just some examples.
Politically indifferent derivations and selling off of the ideals of liberation that find their sublimation in those commercial expressions that are intended to reduce veganism to a trademark, facilitating its incorporation and commodification by capitalism.
Derivations which always see the presence of right wing politicians as in the case of the mutual support and visibility between VEGANOK (trademark) and the omnipresent Member of Italian Parliament Brambilla.
This collaboration was renewed during the last edition of SANA (international exhibition of organic and natural products and personal showcase for Sauro Martella & Co.), who however don’t give up riding two horses considering the space for conferences given also to representatives of Movimento 5 Stelle and the presence of many stands certified by VEGANOK at the Festa de l’Unità (social-democratic celebration organized by left wing parties) in Bologna, during the same period.
To confirm and reinforce the close collaboration between ambiguous certifications committed to capital and xenophobic and fascist groups, there is the close link (in Italy) between VEGANOK and Sea Shepherd, with mutual support that increases their visibility, ridiculing those who conduct real battles for the defense of the ecosystems in general, considering also the conferences held by Paul Watson’s association about microplastics and the work led by Martella on the certification of what’s obvious, placing his trademark on foods which are vegetal by nature, but contained in numerous layers of plastic.

But this is only one of many practical aspects, because the critical issue regarding Sea Shepherd (this is not addressed to the volunteers of the association, many of them are questioning themselves) we can find it in the origins of its constitution and international collaboration: the terrifying friendship and therefore collaboration with one of the greatest American right-wing representatives, David Foreman. In a famous interview, Paul Watson, maximum expression of SS in the world, said that he considered his association as Foreman’s Navy, in addition to have contributed to the writing and distribution of one of his books.
In this book there are some of the most xenophobic theories created by American fascism: Foreman claims that the problems of the Earth are caused by immigration, and for this reason migration flows are the first cause of devastation.
Furthermore, on several occasions, Sea Shappard enlisted American marines in its fleets.
Moving to Europe we can find the famous deep friendship with Brigitte Bardot (the actress refurbished and donated him a ship), wife of a deputy of the French Front National, and who on several occasions was sentenced for her homo-transphobic, racist and sexist public statements, which she herself has defended strongly (her interviews can be found over the Internet in French newscasts).
The collaborations between SS and LAMYA ESSEMLALI, neo-fascist of the Front National, and PIERRE RAHBI famous French commentator who claims the Planet is sustainable according to a social organization based on family, better if it’s traditional and white.
Paul Watson describes Rahbi almost as his spiritual guide sharing his positions in whole.
At the beginning we mentioned the essential requirement of being as much as possible unattackable a process degraded by entities like VEGANOK which, in addition to spreading a sick idea of veganism, contribute to maintaining an anthropocentric vision of the society through the use of fetishes that resemble the abuse of animals and the sale of products which directly remind the exploitation of animals, as already mentioned in the article “Agganciati al sistema antropocentrico”.

But VEGANOK is not the only expression of the commodification of antispeciesism, there are many of them including a recent collaboration between the European Vegetarian Union (a body belonging to the European Parliament) and Unilever which provides the flood of the market with 500 products, both new and old ones, certified with the European Vegetarian Union trademark and belonging to the corporation, leader in the fields of animal experimentation, pollution, desaparecidos and land grabbing (or neocolonialism).
The radical antispeciesist fight is, as all the fights for the liberation of those who are oppressed, against (and battles all of its deviations) the delegation, and the following statement has the same meaning: delegation is against radical antispeciesist fight.
Animal liberation is credible if there is this assumption this is why we should start talking at last about total liberationism.
The system is a continuously self-fuelling leviathan, we can ask it to change a law about one of the forms of exploitation, then digesting any instance it multiplies a hundred different forms of exploitation.
We remind all those present that the second hearing of the trial against the comrades who released 400 slaves imprisoned at the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Milan will take place on the 30th of October at 9.00 a.m.
So we call for the creation of an antifascist sit-in of solidarity which, from the square, could express a clear message (considering also the infiltrations in the sit-in organized on the occasion of the first hearing): fascists out of the antispeciesist fight!”

Italian version